
Data Source

The models are trained using the OASIS2 dataset which is using the Nifti dataset format for the scans.


For the labeling of the testing data we are using the demographics information that is part of the OASIS3 dataset. We have three main categories of subjects that contain those that:

  • Remained healthy
  • Became Demented after entering healthy
  • Entered the system while demented
Subject Counts
Total number of Subjects 1093
Remained Healthy 659
Developed Dementia 74
Total Number of Scans 7588
Distinct Days 2496

Confusion Matrix

Provides the accuracy of the model as the percentage of times our model made the right prediction and it's broken down into four parts:

  • True Positive (TP)
  • True Negative (TN)
  • False Positive (FP)
  • False Negative (FN)

In the above example we can notice the following:

  • True positives (TP) are 25, which means the model correctly identified 25 instances as positive.
  • True negatives(TN) are 15, meaning the model correctly identified 15 instances as negative.
  • False positives (FP) are 6, which means the model incorrectly identified 6 actual negative instances as positive.
  • False negatives (FN) are 6, meaning the model incorrectly identified 6 actual positive instances as negative.

So, the model was right 40 times (TP + TN) and wrong 12 times (FP + FN).


The accuracy of the model can be calculated as the sum of True Positives and True Negatives divided by the total number of instances.

In this case, it would be (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN) = (25 + 15) / (25 + 15 + 6 + 6) = 40 / 52 = ~0.77 or 77%. This means the model correctly predicted 77% of the instances.


The precision or Positive Predictive Value can also be calculated. It's the proportion of predicted positives that are actually positive.

In our example that would be TP / (TP + FP) = 25 / (25 + 6) = ~0.81 or 81%. This means when the model predicts an instance to be positive, it is correct 81% of the time.


The recall or sensitivity, which is the proportion of actual positives that are correctly predicted by the model.

In our example it can be calculated as TP / (TP + FN) = 25 / (25 + 6) = ~0.81 or 81%. This means the model was able to find 81% of all positive instances.


The specificity, which is the proportion of actual negatives that are correctly identified.

In our example it can be found by this formula: TN / (TN + FP) = 15 / (15 + 6) = ~0.71 or 71%. This means the model correctly identified 71% of all negative cases.


The F1 score is a way to measure how well a machine learning model works representing the harmonic mean of precision and recall.

The F1 score provides a balance between precision and recall. A perfect value would be 1, and the worst value would be 0.

Tells us how many of the model's positive predictions were actually correct.
Tells us how many of the actual positives the model correctly identified.

In the above example, F1 can be calculated as 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall) = 2 * (0.81 * 0.81) / (0.81 + 0.81) = ~0.81.

It's important to remember that these statistics provide different perspectives on the model's performance, and the optimal values depend on the specific problem and the costs associated with false positives and false negatives.

ROC Curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve)

The ROC curve is a graphical plot to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied.

It is created by plotting the True Positive Rate (TPR) against the False Positive Rate (FPR) at various threshold settings.

The ROC curve is especially useful for understanding the trade-off between correctly predicting positive instances (TPR) and falsely predicting negative instances as positive (FPR). It helps determine the optimal model and the best threshold for classification.

A perfect classifier will have an ROC curve that passes through the top left corner (100% true positive rate, 0% false positive rate), and the area under the curve (AUC) will be equal to 1.

The closer the curve is to the top left corner and the greater the AUC, the better the model is at discrimination. If the curve is close to the 45-degree diagonal of the ROC space, it suggests that the classifier has no better accuracy than random guessing.

Understanding how good or bad is a ROC curve

A Good ROC curve

Hugs the top left corner of the plot quickly rising towards a high True Positive Rate (sensitivity) with a low False Positive Rate (1-specificity) and then, it travels across the plot maintaining a high True Positive Rate.

The closer the curve is to this top left corner, the better the model.

A Bad ROC curve

Conversely, a bad ROC curve is one that stays close to the diagonal line, also known as the line of no-discrimination. This line represents a random classifier (i.e., a model that does no better than random guessing). If a curve is close to this line or, worse, beneath it, it indicates a poor model.

In summary, the further away the ROC curve is from the diagonal line and the closer to the top left corner, the better the model's performance.

Dataset Info

Each model is trained using its own distinct section of all available data. Our aim is to distribute the MRI features as efficiently as possible. We ensure each patient's data is only found in one category, either training, validation, or testing. This is critical as some patients may have multiple scans, and having these scans in different categories could lead to misleading results and a false appearance of high performance.

Imbalanced Data Based on Healthy or Demented

imbalanced data

We aim to keep the data for each category (training, validation, and testing) imbalanced.

This makes the model more realistic and helps avoid 'overfitting', which is a problem where results are exaggerated due to a certain modeling approach. Balancing data could also skew results.

Unique Subjects

Unique Subjects

Since a subject can have more that once scans taken during different periods we have developed specialized algorithms to assure the maximum possible diversity in all the subsets used for training, validation and testing.

In the example that we see here we can see that for the training set we are using 251 unique healthy subjects (that they result to 416 scans) and 48 unique demented (that they resutl in 278 scans). Similarly the valued for the valiation are 38 - 10 (45-30) and 28 -11 (31-21)

Selected Slices

From each MRI scan, the slices that are useful for the model come from a specific set. This set includes the three middle slices and two slices from either side of the middle. Therefore, the maximum number of applicable slices is nine. However, we can use any combination of these slices, and we have the potential for 2^9 (or 512) different combinations.

Selected Slices Image

To help visualize this, we've provided a sample image that presents the nine possible slices. In this image, the slices that aren't being used are left blank, while the slices that are being used have sample data on them.

In the example image, the model takes an array of slices from the MRI as input. Specifically, we are using five slices: one middle slice for the sagittal view, and three slices - top, middle, and bottom- for the coronal view. It's worth noting that we aren't using any slices from the axial view in this example.

Training History

A graphical representation of a classifier's training includes:

  • accuracy
  • loss
  • validation accuracy
  • validation loss
Training History

Accuracy reflects how often the model makes correct predictions.

Loss tells us how far off these predictions are.

As training progresses, we ideally want accuracy to go up and loss to come down.